Munin plugin sensors_ fed by HP-Tools
lm_sensors doesn't support HP servers or the other way round.. So I looked for another solution and got the desired data about temperature by:
# hpasmcli -s "show temp"
------ -------- ---- ---------
#0 SYSTEM_BD - -
#1 CPU#1 29C/84F 110C/230F
#2 CPU#2 - 110C/230F
#3 PROCESSOR_ZONE 24C/75F 53C/127F
#4 I/O_ZONE 24C/75F 66C/150F
Then I wrote an awk-script that transforms the output of hpasmcli to a sensors-like one. After transformation the existing Munin-Plugin "sensors_" can handle the data. To make support easier, I bundled the awk script with a copy of my version of sensors_: [Download tar.gz]
- Install "HP ProLiant Support Pack (PSP)"
- Install "Munin-Node"
Place the file "hp_sensors" in directory /usr/local/sbin/
Copy Perl Script "hpsensors_" to /usr/share/munin/plugins/
Add section for hpsensors_ in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:
[hpsensors_*] user root
Create link in /etc/munin/plugins/
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/hpsensors_ hpsensors_temp
Restart munin-node
# service munin-node restart
Test the plugin:
# munin-run hpsensors_temp config
graph_title Temperatures
graph_vtitle Celsius
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_category sensors
temp1.label temp1
temp1.warning 99
temp1.critical 110
temp2.label temp3
temp2.warning 47.7
temp2.critical 53
temp3.label temp4
temp3.warning 59.4
temp3.critical 66
temp4.label temp5
temp4.warning 59.4
temp4.critical 66
temp5.label temp6
temp5.warning 59.4
temp5.critical 66
# munin-run hpsensors_temp
temp1.value 29
temp2.value 24
temp3.value 24
temp4.value 24
temp5.value 26
- Sensor names are read from HP-Tools output. Set your own identifiers by changing the shellscript "hp_sensors", if you don't like them.
- Some older Versions of PSP don't have hpasmcli included. We'll find data in /proc/cpqtemp then.